by Edward Oriole | May 16, 2018 | Personal Growth
Edward L. Oriole L.C.P.C. N.C.C. C.A.D.C. Clinical Therapist The Lighthouse Emotional Wellness Center and Footprints to Recovery IS HAPPINESS A MORAL IMPERATIVE ? 19 articles Often in my clinical work I ask a client the following question: “Do you have a...
by Edward Oriole | Mar 31, 2018 | Addiction, Family Relationships
WHAT HAPPENS TO THE FAMILY WHEN ‘ADDICTION’ BECOMES A PART OF IT? The family is a system of parts and must be treated as such. PREMISES In all cultures, the family imprints its members with selfhood. Human experience of identity has two elements; a sense...
by Edward Oriole | Mar 19, 2018 | Relationships
Being in Love and Logical Thinking Edward L. Oriole LCPC CADC I’m a logical person, a person who thinks things through, and then over-thinks them, and then thinks about them some more, and some more still – and yet I don’t know that I can define love. What if love...
by Edward Oriole | Dec 31, 2017 | Relationships
EFFECTIVE CONFLICT RESOLUTION FOR COUPLES Edward L. Oriole L.C.P.C. C.A.D.C. Did you ever say “I am sorry” and felt a sense of discomfort. This signals that the cliché apology was not quite enough? There is a reason for that feeling of dissatisfaction. The...
by Edward Oriole | Oct 22, 2017 | Relationships
The Four Agreements and the Synergy Model of Couple’s Therapy Edward L. Oriole L.C.P.C. N.C.C. The Synergy model that we use at the Lighthouse Emotional Wellness Center offers couple’s a fresh look on the efficacy of marriage therapy. Under the Synergy model...