Personal Growth

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a mindfulness-based behavior therapy. In contrast to Western-based psychological theory, ACT does not have symptom reduction as a goal. This is based on the view that an on-going attempt to eliminate symptoms causes...

How IFS Can Help You

How IFS Can Help You

The Internal Family Systems, or IFS model operates on the principal that internally, we have an ecology of relatively discrete minds, which interact with our healthy self, and take on roles to keep us safe and functioning. Find out how IFS can help you. The 3 common...

Dealing with Resentment

Dealing with Resentment

The word “resentment” is defined as “bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly.” How often do we find ourselves dealing with resentment? Resentment can happen with any relationship; friends, family, co-workers, but the pertinent question is: how do we deal...

Recognizing your body’s feelings?

Can you recognize what your body feels? Did you ever feel so anxious that you felt sick to your stomach? Do you ever feel so angry that you felt like your head was literally going to explode? Have you felt so joyful that you got butterflies in your stomach? Can you...

Counseling Can Lead to Discovery

During a recent session, a client said to me, “Wow, you just uncovered that”. The client had an epiphany and saw something from a different perspective. Counseling can lead to discovery. I remind my clients that they are responsible for the work they do on healing and...

Taking longer breaks from the Media?

Taking longer breaks from the Media? Society always wants us to be in the loop of what’s going on with the world. Is there such thing as a balance between checking our phones and the news? Are we trained to find the "golden middle"? The last few years have not been...

EMDR can help with old traumas.

Are old traumas tainting moments of joy? If you answered yes to that question, EMDR can help! EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. EMDR is an 8-phase, 3-prong therapeutic approach that “rewires” our brain. It can relieve the symptoms of past...

Give yourself a chance to try new things!

So imagine this… you go to your favorite restaurant and order your favorite meal. It tastes good, you walk out full, and feel satisfied! Now imagine doing this over and over again. Eventually it gets boring, right? Give yourself the chance to try something new and...

Your body changes with your experiences

Your body changes with your experiences

I have had several clients who report having a poor body image. I remind them, "Your body changes with your experiences". With age, we all change. Adolescents go through puberty, mothers' bodies change after giving birth, adults grow grey hair and develop wrinkles....

What Feeds Comparing Yourself to Others?

What Feeds Comparing Yourself to Others?

Are you comparing yourself to others? Stressful situations and anxious thoughts feed comparing yourself to others. To make this easier to understand, we will focus on what specifically can happen because of stressful situations and having anxious thoughts. If you have...